Run in with an angry man

So I just had a great ride home that I had to share.

It started when I was filtering up the side of traffic stopped at lights, the lights turned green and I started off at the head of the lights. The guy in the bright blue sedan who was previously at the head, did not like this and proceeded to overtake me on the other side of the intersection with minimal clearance while yelling a mouthful of abuse out the window #classy

I then proceeded to ride home normally only to run into the same car parked at the right turning lights to Sir Fred Schonell Rd (about a km down the road). This guy then leans out the window and continues to yell abuse at me for breaking all sorts of road rules, with ominous “it’s your life you’re playing with”. He then proceeds to race off around the corner onto Sir Fred, and I think, that’s the last I’ll see of him.

But no, not content with that tirade he must have seen me in his mirror at one of the many lights along sir fred and thought I know what’ll make this interaction better.. a photo. So lo and behold as I am riding past the netball courts at UQ (a full 3.3km from where I first encountered this bozo) I see the same car circling back in the opposite direction to me, window down, phone extended out the window waiting for a happy snap. I of course obliged and gave him a thumbs up.

But I wonder at the thought process of this guy that he has taken the time to essentially stalk me along my ride home.

If anyone was wondering why cyclists don’t feel safe on our roads, this is a great illustrative example.

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