Quick and Dirty Building Footprints

So someone at work today shared this post about the new visualisation released today by City of Melbourne for their digital twin project.


The linkedIn post lists about 8 people who had a hand in crafting that page, but I wanted to see what I could put together in an evening. So I settled in and was able to put together the key components of the visualisation working and to get a live demo deployed on my new firebase website in about 2 hours.

So I was pretty pleased with all of that, but there are obviously some differences between their polished product and my slap-dash one. In the below image we can see that there are significant differences in the level of detail for the background (present day) buildings. I’ve sourced this data from the mapbox streets layer and it doesn’t seem to have the same detail as the CoM map. There are also some differences in the actual dataset itself. I’ve kept their colouring system (blue-applied for permit, green-approved permit, yellow-under construction) but with a more pastel flavour (as I am wont to do). Their data is showing some buildings as “under construction” which are only marked as “approved” in the data set I downloaded from the portal. There is also a blue building which isn’t in the data set I have at all. I’m guessing that they are probably working with a live copy of that data while I’m only able to get the publicly released cut which looks to be a bit out of date.

Overall though, it was a fun little project to recreate this and try out some cool features of Mapbox at the same time.

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